Jayhawk in Texas

I grew up in Kansas. But one job hunt and hiring later, we are now transplants in Texas. We have not missed the strange weather we were used to and everybody here seems genuinely nice. This is my attempt to keep in touch with my friends from all over.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Friday

I hope everyone is having a Happy Friday. I thought mine was going to be a good one. I have the son home with either a nasty cold or maybe bronchitis. I am taking him to the doctor at 11:30 today to check on his lungs. Work has been crazy and trying to get a grip on the new work I have been assigned is an undertaking. I like the challenge but some days....a little serenity would be nice.

Duber (my son) started soccer this week. He was so excited after practice on Tuesday and Thursday. He has not played in a year (since we moved in the fall) so he is really glad to be playing again.

My quote for the day: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit" - Aristotle

That is one of my favorites.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bad, Bad Blogger

I have been a bad blogger lately. I have been silent. It has been crazy with work, son's school, and everything else. I have made a decision that I will post everyday - even if it means just putting a couple of sentences out there. I realized when my friend told me she saw something on by blog, that it really is a good way to let everyone know how I am doing.

I am alive and doing well.

"Life is not a getting and a having but a being and becoming."

Here is to growth!