Jayhawk in Texas

I grew up in Kansas. But one job hunt and hiring later, we are now transplants in Texas. We have not missed the strange weather we were used to and everybody here seems genuinely nice. This is my attempt to keep in touch with my friends from all over.

Friday, April 30, 2010

This blog has moved

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oops...I did it again

For those of you who know me from my childhood, this should be an indication of what happened. Yes, I broke my ankle last Thursday....while running...or at least I broke it when I fell. The lower part of my fibula...broken. I am now in a walking boot for the next 6-8 weeks. Lovely...the only good news about this is I fell on my left side so my left ankle is broken and I can still drive.

When this happened, I walked back about 1/4 of a mile to my car. My boot camp instructor said he thought it was a sprain becuase I was walking on it. It hurt like nobody's business...so much so, when I got in my car, I sobbed like a baby. I called the hubby and told him. Then I called my docotor. I drove over to the office, he thought it was sprained, drove over to radiology and as I was heading home, my docotor called to tell me it was broken and that they had made an appt. with an orthopedic surgeon. This was all before noon. By 2:00 I was on my way home with my new friend, the walking boot. If I had high heeled tennis shoes, I would walk fine. It has been many years since I have broken an ankle and I forgot what a pain it can be at times. I am really glad I have the walking boot instead of the cast. I can at least take showers. Just when I was training for a 10k marathon....Life comes at you fast.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

No Pain; No Gain

For those of you that I talk to regularly, you all know I have been taking a fitness class called Boot Camp. I do not think I have been challenged physically like this since high school and maybe even before that. The class begins at 5:30 (that is AM) until 6:30 and the most dreaded things of all about the class is that we run - a lot. 200 yard dashes were 'long' runs for me in high school. We run a minimum of 1 mile. This kills me. It kills me even more when we run with our 'weapon' - which is a 9lb bar.

Why do I put myself through this? I often ask myself that when my alarm goes off at 4:50 in the morning, when I am driving to place and when we are running.

But I am noticing things are tightening up and I have much more energy and most importantly I feel good about myself when I do this. Something that struck me is that our instructor once said, "You are doing more in an hour than most people will do the entire day. " That puts this into perspective somewhat, as I am soaking wet, trying to catch my breath.

So, I guess the addage, "No pain; no gain" rings true. I say this and truly mean it, but right now I would dearly love to go down my stairs without wincing. I suppose that will happen over the weekend.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Just one more day...

Yep, here in Texas school starts tomorrow.
Just one more day of the son making as much noise as possible while I am working. Just one more day of hearing the expression "I'm bored" during the day. Just one more day of kids running through the house actually thinking that by 'sushing' really loud that it is not noise. Just one more day of making plans to eleviate the 2nd 'just one more day'. Just one more day of hearing the cries of rage when a game beats him (during the day). Just one more day of hearing 80's retro songs being sung.

Just one more day and my son becomes a seventh grader. Just one more day and my son is over half way through his schooling. Just one more day and he is that much closer to becoming a young adult.

Where has the time gone?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is anyone else enjoying the Olympics as much as me?

I am absolutely enjoying the May-Treanor/Walsh volleyball team win during the Olympics. It has been great watching them play. Last night was another fantastic set. They seem unstoppable. And I really hope they are - I would love to see them win the gold again this Olympics as well. They are poetry in motion.
Speaking of poetry in motion...I also really liked watching Michael Phelps swim to 8 gold medals. That was a treat to watch.
Each olympic, there is one sport that grabs my attention and for some reason I watch that sport throughout the games. This year it was beach volleyball and swimming. Volleyball becasue I love playing it myself and swimming, because well it just grabbed me this year. To watch Phelps accomplish what he did is utterly amazing.
The year Mary Lou Retton won in gymnastics, was the Olympic I watched that. The thing I enjoy about them is that it gives me a chance to watch a sport or event that I might never have watched unless it was in the olympics. However, I doubt you will get me to watch table tennis, trampoline jumping, or badminton (I even had to look that one up on how to spell it). But I get to watch some great atheletes pursue their dreams.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Wow - it has been a long time

So, I have not blogged in forever...February, to be exact. I felt the need to begin blogging because a friend of mine has been blogging (which is excellent) and she is now going forward to write a book. I am very excited for her. She is a fantastic writer and I think she will be completely successful.

It reminded me that I enjoy writing and this is the forum to do it. With life, work, etc. I have seemed to have lost some of my creative spin on things. So, this is my way of getting back to it. Life in general can be pretty amazing and there is always something worth writing about. So, I begin again and hope that some of you might enjoy it as I go along.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Friday

I hope everyone is having a Happy Friday. I thought mine was going to be a good one. I have the son home with either a nasty cold or maybe bronchitis. I am taking him to the doctor at 11:30 today to check on his lungs. Work has been crazy and trying to get a grip on the new work I have been assigned is an undertaking. I like the challenge but some days....a little serenity would be nice.

Duber (my son) started soccer this week. He was so excited after practice on Tuesday and Thursday. He has not played in a year (since we moved in the fall) so he is really glad to be playing again.

My quote for the day: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit" - Aristotle

That is one of my favorites.