Jayhawk in Texas

I grew up in Kansas. But one job hunt and hiring later, we are now transplants in Texas. We have not missed the strange weather we were used to and everybody here seems genuinely nice. This is my attempt to keep in touch with my friends from all over.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

So, here it is, New Year's Eve...I am working. There is not much going on but this is giving me a chance to catch up on updating my files. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. My mother in law came down for a week and it was great to see her. Our first Christmas in Texas was good. I also talked with my friend Debbie today. It was soooo good to hear her voice. I really miss her. She always makes me smile. Thinking back it is hard to imagine that we have been friends for 21 years now. And it all started at a memory seminar....

Our son is not feeling well. There is nothing worse when your child is sick and they give you that look like you should be able to make them feel better. I wish I had the midas touch, but I do not, so he has to settle for ibuprofen and a little comfort.

I have not really come up with a New Year's resolution and I don't think I will. Everytime I have a resolution, I seem to break it. So, instead I want to wish everyone health, happiness and prosperity in 2008.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

falling down and other random thoughts

So, I am sitting here with my husband, having a margarita and we decide we need to talk to our friend Bruce. So, as Mike is talking with him, he props his feet up on the arm of my chair and promptly falls over. At this point, I am laughing so hard I can hardly breathe. He then promptly calls me a mean bitch and I laugh harder.

Earlier tonight I talked with my brother. He and his partner are so awesome. They are two people that I really miss from Kansas City. As we get older, we seem to grow closer. The best part of our relationship is that he has become closer with Lu, our son. They have their own special jokes and have come to really care for each other. When we were younger we seemed to fight all the time. I think we were just trying to figure out our way in this world and once we were living on our own, we realized we could both fit in it and work together. He has become somone that I completely respect and admire. I also believe that Jeff makes him a better person. I am glad that they are both a part of my life. I would not have as much laughter in my life if they were not a part of it.

Back to my husband on the floor.....man, that was just funny. It was a complete Charlie Brown collapse...after that description you can picture this 'swan dive' to the floor. I needed a laugh and it seems everytime I do my husband is either there to provide it or point out something that makes me laugh.

Everytime I am asked to stand up at a wedding and give a toast, I always have one thing to bestow on people. (look out this is going to get deep) I always wish people laughter. Happiness comes and goes (as you look at your spouse and what was once cute now annoys the crap out of you) but laughter between two people always bring you back to the reason you fell in love with them. When things are rough and things are not going well, always fine something that makes you giggle. It always works for me.

I am going to sign off - good night all.

Take care
Love and kisses from Austin!

PS My husband just called me a mean bitch again after seeing my blog. I once again laughed

Ahhh...to be a homeowner

So, we move into our new house...life is grand, right? Well, not so quick. We have a home warranty for the house that lasts a year. I think the company is going to lose money on us. Last Saturday night, we decide that we want to take a bath...We have one of the big roman baths. It was nice and relaxing....the next morning there is water in the bathroom downstairs. Well, the toilet seemd kind of loose, so we called the company and they brought out a plumber, ($60) and had replaced the seals on the toilet. (there is a point to my intro) So, two days ago, I go into the downstairs bathroom and I notice a water stain on the ceiling. We call the home warranty place again, and sure enough we have something wrong with the bath. ($60) The plumbers not only have to cut into ceiling to find the leak, but we have to bring somebody else in (not covered) to remove the marble so the plumber can gain access to what needs to be fixed. Now, today, the plummers are coming back to finish the job, then we will have to pay the person who removed the marble to come back and put it back in, then we will repair the ceiling. It seems crazy and never ending. But for some reason, I love my life down here. It must be my family.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

It is here...

Another birthday for me. I really don't mind birthdays. Last year, we had a big celebration; this year I think it will be more low keyed. I always figured if I am not getting older than I am six feet under. I prefer aging, personally.

The weather is beautiful for my big day. Mid to upper 60's. I have received some emails from co-workers wishing me happy birthday. I had someone from my group send out an email advising people of my birthday. I, of course, was not copied on it.

My brother, who lives in KC, and I miss since moving here, called to sing off key Happy Birthday to me. This is a time honored family tradition. And it is not so hard b/c none of us can really sing.

My birthday wish is that everyone has their health, are happy and enjoy the day!

More later!